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Chris Helms

My name is Chris Helms I am 40 years old from Bonifay Florida. After being clean for 10 years. I fell back into addiction. I allowed my pride and self-centered ego to show up and push God and the ones that I loved the most away. To the point that I had fully turned my back on them all. My life became unmanageable, to the point where I tried to end at all. But God and his grace showed up. I found myself at my lowest point on my knees crying out for God to help me. God open the door eight months ago for me here at liberty Lodge a Christian regeneration program. Through me being here and renewing my relationship with God. He has restored my marriage and my relationship with my daughters. A Scripture that has helped me is Job 22; 23, if you return to the Lord You will be restored. I know God brought me here to allow the Holy Ghost to change my heart, and by the grace of God I’ve been Set free.