I walked into to Liberty Lodge a broken man. I remember not caring about anything or anyone. I really just wanted my life to end. I did not want to live. I did not plan on staying for the entire program. I was here for all the wrong reasons. I came on attempt to save my marriage. Not to work on my relationship with God. My marriage was lost in this battle. Only God’s strength helped me push through the program. Others here saw something in me that I did not. They saw me as a leader. As I went through my program I began to get my desire to have a relationship with God and rededicate my life. I then began to believe in myself as a leader. I moved into Servant Leadership Training after I graduated the program because I felt called. God said do it, so I did. This is when the refining process really began for me. God turned the heat up. I really learned what it means and what it takes to be a servant and not be served. I really had to push through my pride, and arrogance. I had to put others before me. I learned if you cant be ok with being a number 2 man, then you will never be able to be a number 1 man! To lead you must follow. All of that was hard, but I’m so glad I did not quit. I can’t wait to see what God has next for me. Thank you Liberty Lodge Ministries.